Saturday, January 1, 2011

Special Guest Blog from the one and only Drew Bowen!

Howdy! This is Drew Bowen, writing a special guest blog post! Andy and I arrived late Wednesday night, and are just now recovering from jet-lag, but have enjoyed some great times with the girls already.

After waking up fairly sore after 50+ hours of traveling to reach Thailand, our fiances were kind enough to schedule a relaxing first day in Thailand. We went with them to pick up some essentials from Carrefour, which is like a Thai Wal-Mart, then went to get a two-hour massage. It always amazes me that a massage that long and that excellent costs less than $10 here!

There was much giggling from the girls as we came out from the changing rooms. Andy and I are both significantly taller and bigger than their typical clientele, and the pants they gave us were ridiculously tight. The humor continued as Andy's face betrayed that he was surprised by his first Thai massage, making glances to us that said, "What is going on?" The lady massaging me took my words to heart when I asked for a more firm massage, and dug her elbow into me to the point that I am sore two days later. It was an interesting experience to say the least.

Last night, there was a New Year's Eve countdown party at the Reagan's house. Though we missed P'Robert, who's visiting sick family in Texas, it was great to see so many old friends from when I was an intern. We also had several Chinese students who are studying with the current interns come along for the party, and it was fun to interact with them. It seems like the Christian Zone has really become a meaningful place for them while they are so far from their homes. I was very encouraged by the fellowship and fun at the party.

I will be preaching tomorrow, which is exciting. It will be wonderful to see even more old friends, to sing in Thai again, and to share what I have been learning at Abilene Christian. I've already been so blessed to get to spend time with Amanda, and I know that Andy feels the same about Kara. In our own way, we hope to affect the ministry here by encouraging the interns as they form relationships. Hopefully our visit can energize them to finish the last couple of months strong.


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