Our stay in Thailand is starting to feel more long term,consistent, and more like home and less like a vacation. We have been very busy here and are on more of a consistent schedule. We, the interns, are starting to feel comfortable in our driving and have been going many places on our own and are getting a good grasp on where things are in the city. We make a good team and it has been really fun learning each other's strengths and weaknesses and playing off each other and working together. We went in search of fabric and wound up at the Wararat Market. It is local market that is unlike any of the tourist markets we have been to. There is a whole section of local food including, but not limited to, pigs head, stomach, live eels, and many interesting sights and smells. It was quite the accomplishment to find it by ourselves, drive up the steep incline into the car garage (yeah Mark!), find the fabric store and somewhat communicate with the people there.
We also want to the Measa Elephant camp to see some amazingly talented elephants. These elephants were able to play soccer, throw darts, and paint pictures. It was amazing to watch them during the show. We loved it and so did the LST ladies. They all bought a picture painted by an elephant and were so happy to be able to ride an elephant!
This past Sunday we had an ice cream, brownie, and bingo party. It was a great success. We had over 40 people at the party and we made some new friends who are interested in studying with us. It was a lot of fun to watch the Thai people play bingo, many of them for the first time.
As interns we have equipping time twice a week to prepare our hearts and minds to be more in tune with the will of God. Right now we are studying about spiritual disciplines and it has been very insightful to have a deeper understanding of things we can do in our daily lives to be in the presents of God more often. Each of the interns are teaching three of the lessons and Hilary and I have both taught one so far. Hilary taught about Meditation and I taught about prayer. We are learning how to meditate and listen to the will of God and we learned about intercessory prayer and how the purpose of prayer is for you to be changed. It is impossible to pray and not be changed. We have also studied about fasting and learned the importance of ridding our body of our daily desires so that we can feast on God's word. Fasting is feasting. After we have our study on the spiritual disciplines we always listen to Dave Ramsey speak on healthy Christian financial planning. This have been very interesting and will be very beneficial to our lives. I am very thankful that Robert is helping us learn how to manage our money (or lack there of) in healthy and godly ways.
Other than our daily routines, we have been busy building strong relationships with the Thai people here. Hilary and I met two wonderful girls named A and Nong. Their English is good enough to have a simple conversation, but they are craving to know more. We start classes with them tomorrow and we pray that this will open a pathway for them to inquire and seek the Lord. We have also had the wonderful opportunity to assist the LST ladies purchase and hand out over 40 Bibles to new students who are interested in God's word. We are amazed at the work that is happening here. Please continue to pray for these people to continue to coming to the Zone and that they have a desire to learn more about Christianity. Pray that Hilary and I can be shining lights to them and that God will use us to bring more of his children to him. It is our prayer that we can be vessels to help bring answers and truth to a lost nation.
Lastly, we start our Thai classes at Payap University in a week and a half (Monday 27 Sept). We are so excited to be part of the campus life and improve our Thai. We hope that within a month we will be able to have meaningful (simple but meaningful) conversations with our new friends in Thai.