Firstly, Mark's computer was returned! It was found in the back of our truck with a sign that said "In Car." We are so happy it is back so you can all expect more awesome videos soon.
Secondly, I want to tell you an amazing story that happened to me last Friday. I have been teaching English lessons/ Bible studies with a girl named Aun Aun. She is 15 and her family is Buddhist, but she has been coming to the Zone since the beginning of the summer and is open to Christianity. She is the one who sought me out and asked me to be her teacher. We have studies three times now and we are reading form the Book of John. She read to chapter 4 with one of the summer interns and while there were no interns here she read to chapter 13 on here own in Thai. She and I started reading chapter 5 in English and are discussing it so that she can better understand what she is reading. So back to Friday. Aun Aun and I had a lesson at 6:00 on Friday. Everyone at the Zone had gone to dinner with a group of people, but I decided to hang back and do the lesson with her. When she got here, she was surprised that no one else was here. She asked where they were and I told her that they had gone to dinner. She could not believe that I did not go and that I waited at the Zone to do the Bible study with her. It almost brought her to tears and after about ten minutes of her telling me "you should have gone," I finally convinced her that I would rather study the Bible with her than go to dinner with other people. We had an awesome Bible study and she asked a lot of really great, thoughtful questions. I think she is studying and reading a lot on her own. She asked me if just reading the Bible was enough to be a Christian, and that gave me the awesome opportunity to talk to her about giving her life to Christ through baptism. She understood what I was saying and was very receptive. She also asked me about a lot of things that she was confused about. She had read "The DaVinci Code" and was very confused about all the contradictions. At that point, I was able to clarify a great deal to her and explain that as Christians we believe that the Bible is the truth from God. To close the lesson we prayed together. After our lesson, the group was not back from dinner yet, so Aun Aun and I went to have dinner together and walk around at a night market. We had a great time together. On our walk home she started to sing some church songs in Thai and in English. It was amazing to be there with my new friend who was not a Christian, in a country where the vast majority of the people at not Christian, walking down the road singing songs to God at the top of our lungs. It was almost surreal. We really connected and I shared with her some of my own personally struggles and she told me that she would pray for me! Wow, I was amazed. It was a great experience and I can not wait until our next lesson tomorrow!