Monday, November 1, 2010

A little R&R Time- Relaxing and Rocking

This week was the only time for a while that both Amanda and I and Mark didn't have school, since we are doing different programs on different schedules. We knew we wanted to travel somewhere and when we heard our friend Berm was going to Pai we jumped on the chance to go with him. Six of us, including his student Billy and our friend Lisa, squeezed into Berm's little car and took the crazy mountain road to Pai. It was so beautiful! I really love the mountains here, they are so green and misty and ... beautiful! Anyways, we jammed out the whole way and had to take a few stretch breaks and we were all very glad that no one got car sick. Apparently the motto there is "Do nothing in Pai" which means its a great place to relax, hangout,and eat lots of food. There is a cool market every night and lots of farang food and we all bought tshirts. Amanda wanted me to get one with people throwing up on it, there were many of these, but I refused. We stayed at an Israeli guesthouse that had awesome shwarmas and hummus. We drank a lot of coffee and ate too much. Billy's 12th birthday was the second day we were there and we let him pick where to eat and generally bugged him all day with our celebrations. I really thought he was like 15 so I was surprised to know he was just turning 12. We went to a Chinese village and did this crazy ferris wheel type thing. It was hilarious and Lisa and Amanda were screaming the whole time! Later we visited a waterfall and I got a sunburn being there for about 20 minutes. Everyone here thinks white skin is so cool but it really is dumb when I burn all the time. Anyways, the whole trip was really relaxing and fun and a great way for all of us to bond even more. Lisa is going to be taking Thai classes with Mark starting tomorrow so we are loving getting to know her better. One night the router was out at the guesthouse and we even got Billy to play Phase 10 with us instead of playing on his computer. He is hilarious and I'm glad that we got to spend his birthday with him. Here is a link to a video Mark made of our trip... 

Ferris Wheel
Our group in our new Pai shirts

Happy Halloween, by the way! On Saturday night we attended an awesome rockstar party thrown by the Cheung Doi Church of Christ. It was so much fun. There were members from about 3-4 churches that all came together to have a great time of fun and fellowship. There was a buffet of awesome Thai food, a live band, amazing rockstar decorations, and everyone dressed up like a rockstar. The band was great. They sang mostly Thai song, but much to our surprise we were able to sing along to some of the songs! There was even guest appearances by Elvis, Linkin Park, and The Beatles. I was chosen to participate in an air guitar game. I rocked out so much that the plastic cup that was holding my hair up fell out. It was hilarious. Hilary was chosen to play a "raise your hand" game. We both lost, but had a good time doing it. We were able to hang out with one of our students and good friends, Nit. She really got out of her comfort zone and even danced with us. After the party, we went to a friends house to watch a scary movie and eat some imported candy corn in the spirit of Halloween. We didn't last the whole movie because we had to take our friend home, but we did not complain because we were terrified. We finished the movie on Sunday, and it really was not scary at all during the day. All in all we had a great Halloween and hope you did too!
Hil and Nit

Amanda in the air guitar contest

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